Permanent GPS Network

2008, Vol. 34, 1-4

Л.Кръстанов – Монографии

Държавен Съвет на НРБ – Указ № 502 наименуващ Геофизичен Институт при БАН “Акад. Любомир Кръстанов”

Г.Милошев – 100 години от рождението на академик Любомир Кръстанов – живот, дейност и научно наследство

Л.Христосков – Изследванията на твърдата земя в Геофизичния Институт “Акад. Любомир Кръстанов”
Abstract. The investigations of geophysics, inclusive the solid state Earth physics studies, had practically begun in the Bulgarian academy of sciences in 1947, when the section of the Physics of atmosphere had been established at the Physical institute with its first head acad. L.Krastanov. Very important event is the official establishment of the Geophysical institute of the Bulgarian academy of sciences in 1960, later named as Geophysical institute “Academition Lubomir Krastanov” in honour of his creator, organizer and first director acad. L.Krastanov. At the institute were formed four sections of: Seismology, Earth magnetism and gravimetry, Physics of atmosphere and Physics of ionosphere. Yet, almost 50 years in the institute are realized successfully profound and very important for the country investigations on the solid state Earth physics, namely on: monitoring of earthquake activity, seismic waves theory and practice, seismic zoning and hazard assessment, prognosis of earthquake consequences, inverse potential problems, Earth magnetic field mapping, Earth tides analysis, paleomagnetism, archeomagnetism, etc.

С.Панчев – Любомир Кръстанов – преподавател и ръководител в Университета

В.Андреев – Академик Любомир Кръстанов и българската метеорологична и хидрометеорологична служба

И.Кутиев – Академик Л. Кръстанов и космическите изследвания в България

М.Ковачева– Акад. Любомир Кръстанов и секция “Земен магнетизъм и гравиметрия” на ГФИ – БАН

Н.Милошев– Геофизичен Институт “Акад.Л.Кръстанов” днес