Permanent GPS Network

Projects funded by Bulgarian National Science Fund and other national funds

  1. Geodetic and seismic studies in contribution to the assessment of the hazard and risk of tsunamis in the Black Sea region, Grant №: ФНИ КП-06-КОСТ/8, Leader: Assoc. Prof. Lyubka Pashova, PhD;
  2. SuperCA++, Grant DCVP–02/1 from 29.12.2009;
  3. “Study of the influence of the air environment on quality of life and human health”, Grant № DN 04/2 from 13.12.2016;
  4. “Evaluation and analysis of the climate changes in regional/local scales and of some of their consequences”, Grant № DN 14/3 from 13.12.2017
  5. Investigation of the changes in some geophysical fields preceding the occurrence of earthquakes in the region of the Balkans.(participation; leader Prof. E. Botev, Department “Seismology”).
  6. “Archaeomagnetism – a key to resolving fundamental problems in geophysics and archaeology” project ДМУ 03/42 – 2011, 2011-2013, Leader Assoc. Prof. M. Avramova;
  7. “Fire in the past, recorded in archaeological remains and soils – implications for archaeology and soil science from a rock-magnetic perspective” project ДФНИ К02/13 (2014-2018), Leader Prof. N. Jordanova;
  8. “The Soil Science & Archaeo-Geophysics Alliance: going beyond prospection .” КП-06-КОСТ/2 –ФНИ (national co-financing for COST action CA17131 “The Soil Science & Archaeo-Geophysics Alliance: Going Beyond Prospection (SAGA)” 2018-2020, Leader Prof. N. Jordanova;
  9. “High resolution palaeoclimate archive of the last 100ka deduced from mineral magnetic properties of loess-palaeosol section in North Bulgaria” , Bilateral scientific cooperation Bulgaria – France – “RILA” Program 2014, partner – IPGP (Paris, France), project ДРИЛА 01/5; 2015-2016, Leader Prof. D. Jordanova;
  10. “Validating continental eolian loess – paleosol sediments as recorders of paleosecular variations of the Earths’ magnetic field ” Bilateral scientific cooperation Bulgaria – France – “RILA” Program 2018, partner – IPGP (Paris, France), 2018-2020, project КП-06-РИЛА_3, Leader Prof. N. Jordanova;
  11. “Experimental archaeology – a tool for resolving fundamental scientific problems related to firing process and magnetism of different clay types. First attempts in Bulgaria” 2018-2020, project КП-06-РИЛА_3, Leader Assoc. Prof.M. Avramova.
  12. Study of changes in some geophysical fields foregoing the occurrence of earthquakes in the Balkans – 2018-2021;
  13. Creation of information base for investigation of seismicity of island Livingstone and the surrounding area by conducting comprehensive surveys in the Bulgarian Antarctic Base area – 2015 – 2018.
  14. Bulgarian Scientific Periodical Competition – 2016 – Problems of Geography. Project coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marian Varbanov, 2016-2017;
  15. Arsenal migration in riparian zones: connection of dynamics of river and ground waters with mobilization of arsenic in polluted river terraces” (ARSENT). Project coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tsvetan Kotsev, 2016-2020;
  16. Bulgarian Scientific Periodicals Competition – 2017 – Problems of Geography Project coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marian Varbanov, 2018-2019;
  17. ProKARSTerra-GlobCha, Contemporary Impacts of Global Changes on the Cartesian Evolution (Based on Integrated Monitoring in Model Karst Geosystems in Bulgaria)”. Project coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petar Nojarov, 2017-2020;
  18. The content of heavy metals in the soils of the Danube lowlands between the Timok River and the Vit River: a relationship with the morphography of relief and river dynamics.” Project coordinator: Dr. Velimira Stoyanova, 2018-2019;
  19. Connection of spatial distribution of heavy metals in the soil with the morphology of contaminated flooded river terraces (TOPOMET) “. Project coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Georgi Zhelezov, 2018-2021;
  20. Profiles of spatial differentiation of river water quality in pools with heterogeneous anthropogenic impact “. Project coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marian Varbanov , 2018-2021;
  21. Bulgarian Scientific Periodicals – 2018″ – Problems of Geography. Project coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marian Varbanov , 2017-2018.
  22. Spatial segregation and its impact on the social integration of Roma in Harman Mahala, Plovdiv. Project coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nadezhda Ilieva. 2017-2020.