Permanent GPS Network

About us

The National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography (NIGGG) is one of the main academic specialized units in the “Climate Change, Hazards and Natural Resources” Research Division of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS). The Institute is a leading national scientific and interdisciplinary center in the field of geophysics, seismology, geodesy, and geography in the country. Its research and scientific-applied activities are developed in accordance with national, European and world criteria for the organization and quality of research.


The National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography was founded on July 1st 2010 by merging the following research units of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: the Geophysical Institute (founded in 1960), the Geographical Institute (founded in 1950), the Central Laboratory of Higher Geodesy (founded in 1948), and the Central Laboratory of Seismic Mechanics and Seismic Engineering (founded in 1982).

NIGGG maintains good relations with various institutes of the Academy by carrying out joint research and scientific-applied activities within various joint projects, and participates in a number of scientific events and trainings.


The main research areas and priorities of NIGGG are related to:

  • conducting fundamental and scientific-applied research in the field of geophysics, seismology, seismic engineering, geodesy, geography, hydrology and water management;
  • providing scientific and operational service to the state and society through monitoring activities, as well as expert scientific services and information;
  • providing training of highly-qualified specialists in the accredited scientific fields and majors, as well as internship programs.

The thematic areas of fundamental and scientific-applied research carried out at the Institute in the field of environmental protection and socio-economic development are in accordance with the priority areas for research development defined in the updated National strategy for development of scientific research in the Republic of Bulgaria 2017 – 2030.

The following specific activities are also carried out in the NIGGG:

  • Registration, processing, analysis and provision of objective scientific information on regional seismic events, the geomagnetic and gravity field, movements of the Earth’s crust, state of the ionosphere and the atmosphere, as well as other geoparameters;
  • Provision of data on the parameters of earthquakes, and provision of information according to an established regulation on the seismic situation in the event of an earthquake registered in the country;
  • Provision of data and monitoring of current movements of the Earth’s crust in the country, maintenance of the State GPS network of the Republic of Bulgaria, and monitoring of the sea level;
  • Provision of scientific expertise in the development of forecasts, programs, concepts, standards, plans, etc.
  • Organization and participation in national and international scientific conferences, symposia and other scientific events.


The training activities at NIGGG are mostly related to PhD students and interns training, giving university lectures, as well as high school teaching activities.

  • Training of PhD students
    The National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences trains PhD students in the following accredited scientific fields: „Physics of ocean, atmosphere and near earth’s space”; “Earth’s magnetism and gravimetry “; “Seismology and internal structure of the Earth”; “Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology”; “Geomorphology and Paleogeography”; “Hydrology and water resources”; “Climatology”; “Economic and Social Geography”; “Geography of population and settlements”; “Cartography and GIS”.
    PhD students have the opportunity to use the entire research base of the Institute, as well as an extremely rich specialized library with 33 715 volumes of specialized scientific periodicals, 16 894 books, as well as CDs. The books are included in the automated National Academic Library and Information System (NALIS), accessible at
  • Educational courses and seminars organized by NIGGG
    Scientists from NIGGG conduct specialized courses for PhD students at the Training Center (TC) of BAS.
    The Institute also conducts the practical training of students within project BG05M2OP001-2.013-0001 “Student practices – Phases 1 and 2”, financed by OP “Science and Education for Intelligent Growth” 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Social Fund.
  • Teaching activity at universities and vocational high schools
    Scientists from NIGGG teach in bachelor’s and master’s programs in various universities in the country and abroad (South-West University “Neofit Rilski – Blagoevgrad; the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy – Sofia; the University of Forestry – Sofia, “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” University – Veliko Tarnovo; Charles University – Prague, etc.).
    The employees of the Institute are also actively involved in the training of high school students.


The scientific staff of the Institute includes 51 people. Among the full-time employees there are three corresponding members and 30 habilitated scientists.