
Dilyana Stefanova

Assoc. prof. d-r

Assoc. prof. d-r Dilyana Stefanova works at the section “Economic and social geography”, in the Department of Geography at the National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography, at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Her scientific interests and research activities are focused on the transformation of the branch employment, demographic problems and regional differences,

socio-economic aspects of karst geosystems, tourism in karst territories, cave tourism, socio-economic monitoring in protected karst territories, formal and informal education and learning for and through the karst.

Assoc. prof. d-r Dilyana Stefanova is the author of more than 50 scientific publications.

E-Mail: dili_stefanova@abv.bg

Phone: 02/979 33 75

Web: http://www.niggg.bas.bg http://prokarstterra.bas.bg/ http://www.prokarstterra.bas.bg/lab/index.htmll https://www.researchgate.net/profile/ Dilyana_Stefanova?ev=hdr_xprf